Perjanjian sewa properti komersial merupakan kontrak yang mengatur hubungan hukum antara pemilik properti (lessor) dan penyewa (lessee), di mana penyewa diberikan hak untuk menggunakan properti dalam jangka waktu tertentu dengan […]
Droil ne done, pluis que soit demaunde
AN & Co is strongly committed to providing the best service to the problems faced by clients in a timely and maximum manner, fully supported by professionals in their fields. AN & Co innovates to learn and develop knowledge related to the latest laws and legal issues. AN & Co does this in order to provide the best service to its clients.

Trusted Legal Services
Our office offers legal consultations that are accessible, practical, and tailored to your needs. With a commitment to integrity and professionalism, we help our clients face legal challenges with calm and confidence.

Results Oriented
Your trust is our priority. With a professional and results-oriented approach, we help clients achieve fair and favorable legal settlements.

Easy and Accurate Consultation
We believe that access to legal services should be easy and efficient. With friendly and open consultation services, we are ready to help you understand your rights and provide solutions that suit your needs.
In the dynamics of social life, legal ideals will influence and function as guiding general principles, norms of criticism (evaluation rules), and motivating factors in the administration of law (formation, discovery, and application of law) and legal behavior.Bernard Arief Sidharta

AN & Co is a law office that focuses on Property Law, dealing with all areas of property law issues.
In carrying out its work, AN & Co is assisted by academics and legal practitioners who are professional and experienced in their fields. So that when analyzing legal problems that are being experienced by Clients, AN & Co always provides the best service, firmly, straightforwardly, and solutively.

Why Should You Choose Us?
Because we are a team consisting of reliable and trustworthy legal professionals, providing the best solutions.
Specific Expertise in the Property Sector
We have a team consisting of legal experts who are experienced specifically in the property sector. With a deep understanding of property law regulations and practices, we can provide appropriate and effective solutions for each of your needs.
Prevention of Legal Problems
We not only focus on solving problems, but are also proactive in preventing potential future legal issues. With in-depth risk analysis, we help you make smarter and safer decisions.
Trusted Reputation
With a strong track record and positive testimonials from previous clients, we have built a reputation as a reliable property law consultant. Client trust is our priority.
Comprehensive Service
We provide complete services starting from document preparation and inspection, licensing, to dispute resolution. You can rely on us for all legal aspects related to your property
Meet Our Teams
Good Things You Have Heard About Us
In this case, we collect the experiences of our clients which have helped them optimize assistance in establishing PPPSRS. We always strive to provide the best service, ensuring every client gets full support in every aspect of the law they need.

Engaging the legal services of Asshyifa Naura & Co was a crucial and decisive step in the formation of the Joint Management Body of Condominiums (PPPSRS). The guidance and support provided from the initial formation stage to the registration process, and even throughout the handover process, ensured that all stages proceeded smoothly and that the entire process adhered to the applicable condominium regulations.

Client That We Have Worked With.
We have worked with these beautiful client to create awesome product.

Our Recent Blog
Perlindungan Hukum bagi Pemilik Properti yang Mengatasi Sengketa Tanah di Era Digital
Di era digital yang semakin maju, tantangan dalam perlindungan hukum bagi pemilik properti, terutama terkait dengan sengketa tanah, semakin kompleks. Transaksi properti yang kini banyak dilakukan melalui platform online dan […]
Mengenal Hukum Properti di Indonesia mengenai Hak, Kewajiban, dan Perlindungannya
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Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis: Alternatif Mediasi dan Arbitrase dalam Hukum Indonesia
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Analisis Yuridis Putusan MK: Implikasi Hukum terhadap Kebijakan Pemerintah
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Kekuatan Hukum Dokumen dan Tanda Tangan Elektronik Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dan PP Nomor 71 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelenggaraan Sistem dan Transaksi Elektronik
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